Thursday, September 22, 2011

Personal Responsibility? pshhhhhhh Americans have no idea.

O.k. folks.  I have seen a few people that have decided that it would be a good idea for the government to just go ahead and forgive student debt.  If people think this is a good idea then it is my personal feeling that they are not or were not intelligent enough to go to institutes of higher learning in the first place.

When exactly did the majority of society decide that it's o.k. not to work hard to achieve their goals?  When did we get so turned around that we find it every bodies elses responsibilities to pay for the things we want to get out of life.  Why is it my/everyother tax payers responsibilities to pay for your education, your kids clothes and food, your beer and groceries, your health care?  It's not and I'm fed up with doing it.

From the time I was earning an allowance I was forced to save a percentage of it for my college fund.  When I was old enough to get a job my parents forced me to put half of my earning into the college savings.  When I graduated high school I had enough money saved for my first year of college.  During that first year of college I found a job and continued to save for my next year of college classes, every Thanksgiving/Christmas/Spring break I worked through them to save money to continue going to college.  Every summer I worked 40 to 60 hours a week to go to school.  I sacrificed trips with friends, summers abroad, and all of the other fun stuff that many students take advantage of.  You know why I did that?  I did it so that I would not have to have student loans to pay back in the future.  If the government does indeed decide to do away with student loans I will be standing in line waiting for a reimbursement check. 

People are not held accountable for their decisions anymore.  A lot of Americans overextended on their home loans and bought houses they really couldn't afford.  Nobody thinks past their next paycheck anymore.  Nobody has a backup plan........... oh wait yes they do bitch about it long enough, blame everybody else for their decisions and then ask the government to make everything o.k.  It's an outrage!!! Nobody is complaining about the free loaders.  Nobody is writing articles about how people are irresponsible, they write articles about how the government is not doing enough to help them or the big bad wall street has destroyed the country.  Look in the mirror people the reason the country is falling apart financially isn't because of D.C.  It's not the banks, it's not corporations, it's not Mexico.  It's because people want everything right now and they don't want to work for it or pay for it.

The first step in fixing this country isn't by pointing your fingers at everybody else, it's taking responsibility for the decisions that we as individuals make.  It's working for what you want.  It's paying your own way.  If you buy that house, you pay for it, if you want higher education you pay for it.  If you take out a loan, you do so on your own accord and you pay it back.  If you want 9 kids GREAT you pay for them.  If you can't afford these things, budget your money, save a pay check or two, and eventually you can have it.  This is America the land of opportunity, but work towards your opportunity yourself.  I paid my dues, I paid my bills, I have goals and things I still want to obtain.  I am putting away for these goals.  They will not happen tomorrow I understand that I have to work for them.  If I have to pay for your goals, your education, and your house, through increased taxes because the government bails you out then I will be that much farther away from my goals.

I want America to be great again.  In order to do that we need to be much more responsible in our financial decisions.  I am not opposed to raising taxes but if we do I would want it spent much more wisely than forgiving student loans and giving away bridge cards to people who abuse them.

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